Departments Neonatal Care We perform safe and sterile circumcisions and ear piercings Laboratory Services We offer laboratory services used to obtain information about the health of a patients to aid… Health Screening We perform health screening tests to assess patients likelihood of having a particular diseases and… Immunization We administer over 40 types and/or combinations of vaccines according to our immunisation schedule and… Pharmacy Often when sick children are brought into The Pediatric Center, we need to stabilise them… Minor Surgery We engage in minor surgical operations in our modern operating theater. As we are a… General Pediatric Care We engage in general pediatric care, both inpatient and outpatient care Emergency Pediatric Care Things happen and Emergencies arise, We are open 24hrs for such reason. Doctors are on… More Departments We Provide the highest level of satisfaction care & services to our patients. +123 44092 888 Make an Appointment